Empowering Patients through Weight Loss and Integrative Medicine


Experience a revolutionary approach to weight loss that goes beyond traditional methods. Unlike many diet programs, we focus on effectively managing your Insulin levels to unlock your body’s natural ability to lose weight.


The SkinnyMD Treatment

Dr. Mokhtare's

At SkinnnyMD, our journey began with a focus on helping children and families achieve lasting weight loss results. During my residency, I developed a true passion for pediatric weight management and created a program that educated and engaged children in their weight loss journey.

A Personalized Plan

Immediate results will be observed as you embark on this personalized journey. Additionally, you will have monthly calls with a SkinnyMD team member to monitor and track your progress. Immediate results will be observed as you embark on this personalized journey. Additionally, you will have monthly calls with a SkinnyMD team member to monitor and track your progress.

FDA-Approved Medication

The SkinnyMD treatment exclusively utilizes FDA-approved GLP-1 medications.

Lifestyle Coaching

At SkinnyMD, we firmly believe that lifestyle choices play a pivotal role in your weight loss journey.

Patient Care

  • At SkinnyMD, our patients are our utmost priority.
  • In addition to the weekly and monthly video calls, we are committed to addressing any urgent needs that may arise, ensuring continuous support and care throughout your weight loss journey.



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